phantom stranger vs living tribunal
Also, in the big battles, like Spectre V Living Tribunal and Thanos V Darkseid. Marvel's Goddess of Death is a being that most superheroes, regardless of the comic-book universe they are affiliated to, should tremble before and try to escape from in the event of a confrontation. Usually when he crossed path with the Spectre, he got his clock cleaned. Pretty much always been Spectre although strength is kind of a misnomer. Because Tribunal and Thanos have the Heart of the Universe (Possessed by Living Tribunal) and the Infinity Gauntlet (Possessed by Thanos). . At his full power The Living Tribunal can create multiverses but that pales in comparison of what the beyonder can do. I think Marvel would have a greater fraction. The fourth side of the Living Tribunal's head is a void, with the entity claiming that the cosmic entity the Stranger once existed as this part of its being. And as Cary said, Toro and Bucky vs. the Flash looks one-sided on the surface, but Toro's powers and Bucky's creativity could keep Barry on his toes. The Living Tribunal is a humanoid cosmic entity who has existed as long as the Multiverse itself. There is only one round the batman who laughs has 2 years of prep time and he has all the information and knowledge he needs and is blood lusted. show 1 reply . KMC Forums > Comic Book Forums > Comic Book 'Versus' Forum > Spectre vs Living Tribunal. The Beyonders. They raged. I'd go for Mephisto from past history of both. It's time for judgement on who wins! As shown in Marvel vs DC, The Living Tribunal is around the power of Full-Power Spectre. Slade1. Luther. Yes, Thanos with the Heart of the Universe should equal the Beyonder in power, and Thanos is much less of an idiot. The Stranger happened upon Earth in the mid-20th Century, apparently attracted by the sudden proliferation of superhumanly powered beings on Earth. In order to save the lives of the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Skrull shapeshifter Replica left them to give herself as a playmate to Protégé, her god. After the former Wrath of God, Eclipso overstepped his bounds and was cast . Boomstick: And time after time, the cosmos was saved, by the guardians of all that is. General. Besides Phantom Stranger has The Presence's protection mate. House of . Nhưng trách nhiệm và sức mạnh của ông còn to lớn hơn thế rất nhiều, thậm chí cái Multiverse mà chúng ta vẫn hay theo dõi và yêu thích chẳng là cái gì để Living Tribunal quan tâm cả. In fact, there's only one being that the Living Tribunal answers to. I am looking forward to it after it had such a positive reception. He is the right hand of God, the Phantom Stranger is the left hand. Wasn't aware of Chronos or Merlin. These two characters have been retconed a few times but at there peak they transcend space and time. A stranger trapped in our strange land and working as a police detective. AL_KaPWN 8 years ago #6. This is the fourth Lego DC Comics film following Lego Batman: The Movie - DC Super Heroes Unite, Lego DC Comics: Batman Be-Leaguered and Lego DC Comics Super Heroes . Korg vs Sasquatch vs Wendigo vs Thing vs. Abomination vs A-Bomb; Swamp Thing vs Blob; Nova, Super Skrull & Ronan vs. Conner Kent, Kara & Donna Troy; martail artist battle; Golden Superman Prime vs The Molecule Man; The Phantom Stranger & Dr Fate VS The Molecule Man; Silver Surfer Vs Dr. Ced.—Suidas v. Orpheus. Divell A Walking Jojo Reference. Spectre vs Living Tribunal. RELATED: The Living Tribunal's 10 Most OP Moments In Marvel Comics The two have actually worked together once before, in the Marvel Vs DC crossover of the 90s. Feats: Batman who laughs built batmanhattan killed every hero in his universe he can plan way ahead into the future and has . Daredevil; Champion vs. Drax the Destoryer; Apocalypse vs. Alan Scott and Hal Jordan; Cyborg Supes vs BRB; Nova Prime Vs Apocalypse; Tony Montana vs Kingpin; Lord Defile vs Sinestro; Helspont vs Superman; Marvel Babes vs DC Babes; Metron vs Phantom Stranger in a Quiz Bowl; The Tyrant and Parallax(zero . Due to their similarities and pretty well-matched powers and abilities, it's unclear who would emerge victorious in a battle between these two, but, if anyone could defeat The . And yes, both characters serve God/The Presence, although Phantom Stranger's origin has very wildly varied over the past few decades, and was recently retconned/rebooted once again in The New 52. Also, being timeless, he sees everything at the same time, being Omniscient on a temporal level. AND THOSE GUYS ARE JUST AS SHIT TIER. Warlordgab Oct 27, 2015. dormammu inside the curse world what if he literally is an alien the name dormammu just goes to a really strong demon that decided to call themselves that doctor . His only superior is beyond the 4th wall, being the author and the LT has their power of 'that's the way it is cause I want to write it that way regardless of history or actual power levels.' The only way possible for him to lose a fight is an author . Now the Living Tribunal and Lucifer Morningstar are actually incredibly similar characters - both were created by God or the supreme being in their universe . If I were given the go-ahead to write a comic book, movie or TV series with this character, I'd take him right back to his roots. 11-06-2017, 03:32 PM #3. Now the Living Tribunal and Lucifer Morningstar are actually incredibly similar characters - both were created by God or the supreme being in their universe . The Phantom Stranger was able to match the Spectre, the embodiment of God's Wrath and Justice. [8] [ clarification needed ] The character also witnesses the triumph of the hero Quasar —acting as the avatar of cosmic entity Infinity —over the villain Maelstrom , who acts for the . This what if debate doesn't even work because dormammu comes from outside the universe he stole that name from a creature he killed. Here's where I horrify most of your Martian Manhunter fans. RELATED: The Living Tribunal's 10 Most OP Moments In Marvel Comics. Eventually Zeus mated with Kore (Persephone), and Dionysus was born. Living Tribunal (1) Livio Ramondelli (2) Lobo (4) . Living tribunal; Luke Cage vs. It has a blank space where a fourth face could be exhibited. The Living Tribunal appeared as a giant golden humanoid (using a M-Body, created in the Dimension of Manifestations), with three cloaked faces, each representing a different personality. Although recently, a Spec/PS battle was aborted. I will reiterate Spectre is equal in power to the Living Tribunal when the Cosmic Hierarchy was set up which makes the Living Tribunal more powerful than Oblivion and Knull is merely an aspect of Oblivion and Darkseid's true form easily killed the Spectre (who again is equal in power to the Living Tribunal) along with the Phantom Stranger . . Phantom Stranger - Stranger Highfather - Chronos Shazam - Merlin Ganthet - Epoch (originally Eon) Zeus - Odin And sometimes The Spectre. Slade1. Investigating some of these beings the Stranger encountered Magneto and his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and the original X-Men. Her tremendous powers allowed her absolute control over her Asgardian homeworld in Thor Ragnarok.. RELATED: Spider-Man: 5 DC Villains Sandman Could Defeat (& 5 He Would Lose To) Darkseid has become so powerful that he killed the Spectre, an angel composed of pure eternity, and the Phantom Stranger, an entity unable to be killed by Nekron, the embodiment of Death. [8] [ clarification needed ] The character also witnesses the triumph of the hero Quasar —acting as the avatar of cosmic entity Infinity —over the villain Maelstrom , who acts for the . Then Zeus swallowed Phanes, and with him all previous creation (including a special race of human beings of a golden age); Zeus now created everything anew,. The Spectre, in the time before time began, was a rebellious angel named Raguel who was seduced to Lucifer's side against the Presence, becoming the demon Aztar.
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